

Year 2 Home Learning Timetable

Y5 Home Learning Timetable


Year 1 Home Learning Timetable

Y5 Home Learning Timetable


Teams Parental User Guide

Please download the Mircrosoft Teams Parental Guide from the link below:

Microsoft Teams Parental User Guide



Children in Need. 13.11.20

Friday is the Children in Need charity fundraising day. Joe Wicks is leading a national PE challenge to raise money for this very important cause. This is something that we can all get involved in, whether we are learning in school or at home.

The final moments of Joe’s challenge will stream live on YouTube from 9.05-9.25am on Friday 13th November.


Applying for Year 7

Please click the link below for a guide on how to apply for your child's place at secondary school 2021. If you need any support with this process, please contact the school office on 0121 464 5661 and a member of staff will get back to you.

How to apply for a (y7) secondary school place for 2021


Year 6 Home Learning Timetable

Year 6 Timetable


Self-Isolation Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following some questions from parents, I wanted to write to you all to clarify when self-isolation is required and what this means.

What is meant by self-isolation?

Self-isolating means that you cannot have any contact with people outside of your household. This is to protect everyone and reduce the chances of the virus spreading. This means that the person/people self-isolating need to remain inside their own home for the entire period of self-isolation. This includes not being able to go to shops, visit family members or collect family members from school.


Covid-19 Update from Public Health England

Follow the link below to view a letter for parents/carers from Public Health England.

23-09-2020: Public Health England


COVID-19 Updated guidance for parents

Dear Parents/Carers 

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your cooperation with all the changes we have had to make this academic year due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Our children, staff and parents have adapted well. We are constantly reviewing our risk assessments in order to make sure that we keep you, your children and our staff as safe of possible. In light of the national threat level changing from level 3 to 4 yesterday, my senior team and I have decided to change our risk assessments accordingly. 

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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