

Non-Uniform Day - 19/01/23

Dear parents/careers

On the 19th january 2023, all children can come to school in non-uniform.

There is no charge.


Parents Parking

Dear parents

I have written to parents several times previously regarding parking and the use of the roads around school during drop off and collections. Unfortunately, we continue to have persistent inconsiderate and/or dangerous parking on the roads around school and this is concerning for other pedestrians and drivers as well as local residents. Irresponsible parking places children and adults in danger.

Recently you will have seen Traffic Enforcement Officers outside of the school. Enforcement officers are deployed by the council to ensure that parking restrictions are being adhered to and Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) may be issued where this is not the case.

The following actions are inconsiderate and dangerous, presenting risks to our children:

  • Pulling into or blocking the entrance to a driveway- emergency vehicles and other traffic need access
  • Parking on yellow lines or zig-zags near to the school entrances
  • Parking on the pavements, across dropped kerbs or obstructing residents’ driveways
  • Stopping in the middle of the road to drop off a child, even for a few seconds

The Birchfield staff are outside every day to support the safe arrival and collection of our pupils on site. Please support us by demonstrating courtesy and consideration for local residents and for the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and families as they arrive and leave school.

Thank you.

Families Birmingham Nov/Dec 2022

Please click the link below to read the Families Birmingham magazine.

Families Birmingham Nov/Dec 2022

How to know when your child is a competent swimmer

Water competency is often misinterpreted by parents and guardians as their child being able to jump into a swimming pool and being able to put their face in the water. The reality is very different.

Learning to jump into a swimming pool is an important safety skill that children often achieve in the early stages of their learning to swim journey, as it is one of the outcomes in our Pre-School Framework

Click here for the full article

Parents Evening - October 2022

Dear Parents

The dates for parents evening this term are as follows:

11th October: Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 

13th October: Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

You will be able to make an appointment with your child’s teacher after school next week at home time. If for any reason, you cannot attend on the given date, please see the class teacher. 

All meetings will take place in the school halls with appointments available from 4 -6pm. Access to the meetings will be via the red door. 

Please be advised that there is limited seating and waiting space. Where possible, can we ask that only parents and the child attend. 

Parent/Family Support

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child will have been given a reading diary to accompany the book given by school each week for your child to read at home.

Children should read at home every night for at least 10 minutes per day. Sharing a book together with your child gives you the opportunity to learn together, so please listen to them read regularly.

A parent, guardian, an older family member or your child should record this shared reading in the diary at least twice per week and it should be returned with their homework on a Wednesday. Your child should then be returned home on Friday with either: the same book to continue to read; or they will re-read their current book to improve their fluency or they will start a new book.

Thank you for your support in developing your child's love of reading.

2022 Dates for Parents

Dear Birchfield Families,

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a good start to the new term. We are pleased to share with you some of the dates for family events which will take place throughout the first term. There will be other school events across the term and we will keep you updated. Dates for diaries are below and will also be on the website calendar. Details of individual events will follow closer to the time. Please be aware that these dates are provisional dates and are subject to change.

Monday 26th September 2022- Y5 Reading Parent Workshop

Monday 3rd October 2022 – Y4 Reading and Times Tables Parent Workshop

Monday 10th October 2022 – Y3 Parent Workshop

Tuesday 11th October 2022 – Early Years and KS1 Parents Evening

Thursday 13th October 2022 – KS2 Parents Evening.

Monday 17th October 2022- Y2 Reading Parent Workshop

Friday 21st October 2022 – End of half term

Monday 31st October 2022 – Staff training day, school closed for all pupils

Tuesday 1st November 2022- Nurture Group Parent Workshop

Monday 7th November 2022 – Y1 Phonics Parent Workshop

Monday 14t November 2022- Reception Reading Parent Workshop

Monday 21st November 2022 – Nursery Reading Parent Workshop

Tuesday 22nd November 2022- Y6 Reading Parent Workshop

Monday 5th December 2022 – Y6 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Tuesday 6th December 2022 – Y5 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Wednesday 7th December 2022 – Y4 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Thursday 8th December 2022 – Y3 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Friday 9th December 2022 – Y2 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Monday 12th December 2022 – Y1 Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Tuesday 13th December 2022 – Reception Parent Curriculum Exhibition

Wednesday 14th December 2022 – Nursery Parent Curriculum Exhibition

If you have any questions, please see your child’s class teacher.

Kind regards,
Z. Thewlis
Head of school


Her Majesty The Queen

HM The Queen image

The Prince Albert Community Trust are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

She faithfully served the nation as our Sovereign during her long and successful reign.

We express our deepest sympathies to The Royal Family and to our nation.


Welcome Back!

We hope you enjoyed the summer break and look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Wednesday 7th September.

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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