

COVID-19 Updated guidance for parents

Dear Parents/Carers 

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your cooperation with all the changes we have had to make this academic year due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Our children, staff and parents have adapted well. We are constantly reviewing our risk assessments in order to make sure that we keep you, your children and our staff as safe of possible. In light of the national threat level changing from level 3 to 4 yesterday, my senior team and I have decided to change our risk assessments accordingly. 

From tomorrow, all adults entering the school site to drop off and pick up children will be required to wear a face mask. If you have a medical exemption from wearing a face mask, please speak to a member of the school leadership team.  

You can also view our updated Parental Code of Conduct.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation and your continued support.  

Yours sincerely

Mrs Z Thewlis

Head of School

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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