
School Re-opening

Dear Parents and Carers, 

As you are all aware, school is due to reopen to all pupils on Monday 8th March. The process of planning for this reopening and updating risk assessments is now well underway and I am writing to you with some important information regarding the preparation for this.

To enable us to appropriately prepare the building for a full reopening, school will be closed to all critical worker and vulnerable pupils on Thursday 4th March and Friday 5th March. This will allow for staff training, deep cleaning of the site and preparation of learning spaces for Monday 8th

We have been very impressed by the engagement in home learning throughout the time that school has been closed and thank our school community for all that you have done to support this. 

We have actively encouraged children to take time away from screens once their learning is completed and enjoyed a successful ‘Challenge Friday’ on the final day of last half term to further encourage this. To assist school in preparing for the return and to allow for further off-screen activities, we have planned a series of activities linked to World Book Day for Thursday 4th and Friday 5th March. Your child’s class teacher will still be online at set points throughout the day (including for registration and the setting of these tasks) but will take time away from the remote learning platform in between to allow for vital staff training and risk assessment preparations. During this time, children will work on the learning tasks and enrichment opportunities set.

Further information regarding the reopening of school from Monday 8th March will follow as soon as it is finalised. 

We thank you for your continued support,

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs Z Thewlis

Head of School

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661

Email: enquiry@birchfld.bham.sch.uk


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