
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Celebration: Friday 27th May 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Friday 27th May, the Prince Albert Community Trust will be celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. Here is a list of the ways that you and your children can get involved at Birchfield:

Jubilee Day Events:

  1. Children are invited to dress like a Royal - a Prince, Princess, Queen or King.

  2. Children can wear a homemade crown – home project – details below *

  3. Children will be involved in a Queen Elizabeth II portrait competition – completed at school.

  4. We will provide traditional Victoria sponge cakes for every class.

  1. There will be a class party where the children can bring in food and drinks. Following

    Natasha’s Law all food and drink must be wrapped, shop-bought and labelled with the

    ingredients. We are a nut-free school.

  2. The children will learn to sing the national anthem.

  3. The children will learn a celebratory Bhangra dance.

  4. There will be flags and bunting on display and staff will be encouraged to dress up too.

  5. The judges will award children prizes for the best-dressed girl and boy in each year group

    and for their crowns and portraits.

The day should be a very exciting and memorable one for us all. Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Z Thewlis

Head of School

* If you wish your child to wear a crown this will have to be made as a home project. You can make it to any design and can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. Your child can wear it to school and there will be a prize for the best girl and boy in the year group. Have some fun with this and we look forward to seeing what the children wear.

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661

Email: enquiry@birchfld.bham.sch.uk


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