
Looking Ahead to September

Dear Birchfield families

Reflecting on the previous year, it is hard to sum up what we have been through individually, as families and as a community. I want to thank you for the support you have shown the team at Birchfield and the patience with which you have worked with us during a time that has been incredibly challenging. 

At the point of writing this letter, there has been an initial update from the UK government and DfE about what is expected of schools for September. It is important to note that this new guidance could change if cases continue to rise across the summer. As always, we will endeavour to communicate this with you quickly and clearly

What follows in this letter is what we currently know about beginning the new academic year in September.

The new, updated guidance outlines the following changes for the Autumn term: 

· It is no longer necessary to keep children in consistent bubbles in school.

· Assemblies can resume.

· Children from different classes/bubbles are able to mix at break and lunchtimes.

· Children under the age of 18 will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive case/contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

· Face coverings will no longer be advised for pupils, staff or visitors in classrooms or communal areas.

· Good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, appropriate cleaning regimes, ventilated spaces and the following of all Public Health England advice remain.

· A Covid risk assessment, with clear control measures, continues to be a requirement of school.

· Asymptomatic testing (also known as LFD testing) is recommended to continue twice weekly (these are readily available free of charge from pharmacies)


Term dates:

Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd September – Teacher training days, school closed to ALL pupils.

Monday 6th September – School begins for all pupils. 

Friday 22nd October – Last day of Autumn term 1, pupils break up for half term.

Monday 1st November – All pupils return to school after October half term.

Nursery and Reception parents will have received individual correspondence about arrangements for starting in September. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need any further information. 

Other information:

Pupils should continue to come to school in their PE kits on their designated PE days. These dates will be shared by new class teachers in September. Pupils remain in their PE kits all day and do not need to bring uniform to change into.


School lunches are automatically free to any child in Reception, Y1 or Y2 as part of the universal free school meals initiative from the government. Other children may also be eligible for a free school meal, as part of the pupil premium free school meals offer. If you think this applies to you, please contact our school office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Dinners are £2.25. Packed lunches are also permitted for all pupils who do not wish to have a hot school dinner.

Arrival and Departure Procedures:

Recent guidance suggests that we are able to return to our normal drop off and collection times and arrangements from September. Unless we are advised otherwise before September, school starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:30 for all pupils. 

In the event of any updated guidance, we will text parents to alert you and ensure all letters are uploaded onto the school website www.birchfld.bham.sch.uk. Please ensure the office have your correct contact details before breaking up for the summer. 

I hope this letter has helped to answer any questions you may have about September. We wish you all a wonderful summer. Stay safe, take good care and we look forward to welcoming you back in the new academic year. On behalf of the whole team at Birchfield, thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Z Thewlis 

Head of School

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661

Email: enquiry@birchfld.bham.sch.uk


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