Dear Parents
Welcome back to school. I hope you all enjoyed a sunny half term. As we enter term 3.2, Government advice for schools regarding Covid19 is unchanged. The following measures remain in place in order that we continue to work together to minimise the risk to our school community:
- All adults entering our site must wear a face covering unless medically exempt.
- One adult per family for drop off and pick up.
- Enter the site via the main drive on Trinity Rd and exit via the alleyway.
- Adhere to social distancing at all times on site.
Due to the high level of footfall, we will continue to open the school gates open from 8:30 and staggered collection times remain in place.
Monday – Thursday:
Reception 2:40; Year1 2:50; Year2 2:55; Year 3 3:05; Year 4 3:10; Year 5 3:20; Year 6 3:30
Reception 11:30; Year1 11:40; Year2 11:50; Year 3 12:00; Year 4 12:10; Year 5 12:20; Year 6 12:30
We ask all parents to observe these as far as possible. If you are waiting on site because you are collecting more than one child, please keep young children with you at all times for their safety.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Z Thewlis
Head of School