Dear Parents and carers,
Some parents have asked for more information recently regarding testing for COVID-19 and which type of test to use. Please refer to the following information if it is useful to you. You can also find it by going online
There are 2 main types of tests to detect if someone has COVID-19. These are:
PCR tests
PCR tests are the most reliable COVID-19 tests. It takes longer to get the results because they are usually processed in a laboratory. People with symptoms of COVID-19 should arrange to have a PCR test. People who live in the same household as someone with COVID-19 can also take a PCR test, as they are at higher risk of being infected even if they do not have symptoms.
LFD tests
LFD tests are mainly used in routine testing of people who are not displaying symptoms. People in England who do not have symptoms of COVID-19 can take part in regular testing using LFD tests as part of school or workplace LFD testing programmes. These programmes are known as ‘asymptomatic testing programmes’ (no symptoms present) and help by detecting undiagnosed cases and therefore reducing the spread of infection to others.
When children develop or show symptoms in school, we will ask you to collect them and arrange for a PCR test. We will also ask you to collect siblings. Once you have received the results of the test and the results are negative then all children can return to school and the child with symptoms can also return once they are well enough to do so.
If the results are positive, then you will need to isolate for 10 days. We ask that you keep school informed so that we can minimise the risk to other pupils and staff.
I hope this information is useful. For any queries or information relating to attendance, please contact the school and ask to speak to Mrs Ahmed.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Z.Thewlis
Head of School