Dear Parents and carers
Despite the challenges, we thank parents for working with us over the last few weeks to ensure that procedures for drop off and collection run as smoothly as is possible. I know that we would all wish things were different but we have to work together during this extremely challenging time to minimise the risk to our school community as far as possible.
Due to the continuing concerns about C19, we remain in Tier 3: Very High alert. This is for areas with a very high or very rapidly rising level of infections, where tighter restrictions are in place. As a result no changes will be made presently to these procedures.
As ever, we will continue to review all procedures and be informed by government guidance. I want to thank the many parents who have shown their support and to the staff who are working around the clock to keep our school safe.
As we are not making any changes currently, I have not re-sent the timings unnecessarily. If you are unsure, please access the school website (for you – letters home) or speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Z Thewlis
Head of School