Dear Parents/Carers,
I wrote to you last week to advise you that parent teacher meetings were being arranged before the end of this half term. These meetings will take place this week. In order for your child’s teacher to support your child fully we wish to have a conversation with you about the issues your child has faced over this most difficult of times. This may of course include any worries or concerns about learning following the long periods of lockdown and home learning.
As such the meeting will be a discussion about the experiences of your family during lockdown and the effects of the virus rather than a review of academic progress at this stage. The meetings will last 5 minutes and will be carried out through Teams or by phone.
If your child has special educational needs then the review of their targets will be carried out in this meeting also.
If you have any questions please speak to myself or any member of SLT.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Z Thewlis
Head Teacher