Dear Birchfield families
As you will have seen from the news, the government's planned date for lifting restrictions - 21 June - has now been deferred amid rising Covid cases driven by the more transmissible Delta variant.
Unfortunately, cases of Covid19 are rising in Birmingham and the city has been declared an ‘enhanced response area’. This means that the government will be enhancing support for the city to increase the level of vaccination and also testing.
We all need to continue to work together to minimise the risk to staff, children and families. Please ensure you wear your face covering when you are on site and that you maintain social distance from others.
If your child is unwell or has any of the following symptoms, however mild, please do not send your child into school:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
If your child is awaiting the results of a C19 test, please do not send your child to school - even if they appear well.
If you need to inform the school of a positive case, please email
I know this is a worrying and difficult time for everyone. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Z Thewlis
Head of School