Mathematics at Birchfield School

“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; It’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.”

- David Allen Coe


At Birchfield, we believe in the potential of every child to achieve well in mathematics and we hold high expectations for their progress. Recognising the essential nature of a strong foundation in maths and the ability to work confidently with numbers for success in both school and later life, our curriculum is designed to foster proficiency, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills across a wide range of contexts, integrating practical, real-world applications wherever feasible. Our goal is for students to engage in a learning experience that builds upon their mathematical understanding, enhances fluency and equips them with the confidence necessary for effective learning. Our curriculum aims to be inclusive with high expectations for all; reflect representation wherever possible; bolster children's curiosity, resilience and determination and develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths that will empower them in future life.


The mathematics curriculum at Birchfield is based upon the national curriculum. It is designed to be cohesive and progressive, with logical sequencing that builds on prior learning and deepens understanding. Children are exposed to opportunities to retrieve, reactivate and apply their prior knowledge to new content which is introduced in small steps. Our calculation policy ensures consistency in approach and supports practitioners in teaching the appropriate methods at the right time whilst recognising that children may have secure and efficient methods of their own.

New content, concepts and mathematical structures are introduced alongside the consolidation and strengthening of previously taught skills and knowledge. Teachers ensure that any gaps in understanding or misconceptions that arise are rapidly addressed to ensure that all pupils are developing their mathematical understanding. Fluency features in all lessons, but most notably through the initial part of lessons where children complete retrieval tasks and undertake mental arithmetic practice. Retrieval practice helps strengthen schemas that students have built helping them commit the information to their long-term memory: improving the efficiency of their learning.

Mathematics planning allows pupils to reason and problem solve, applying these to various contexts with opportunities to work both independently and in collaboration with others. Provision also ensures frequent opportunities for children to articulate their knowledge and understanding through drawing of pictorial representations, written answers and spoken formats using a wide range of mathematical vocabulary. Practitioners model this along with the appropriate strategies and methods necessary, scaffolding learning as appropriate and adapting teaching in lessons to enable children to access their learning and become proficient mathematicians.


 Birchfield pupils become confident mathematicians with a secure understanding of the key concepts of mathematics. They develop fluency; apply skills to different contexts; apply logical thinking to situations to derive correct strategies and approach increasingly complex problems with resilience. Progress and achievement are closely monitored through regular school monitoring activities. This is then used to inform next steps for pupils, staff development and the implementation of mathematics across the school. The impact of the curriculum is measured through: 

- Pupil progress and achievement data 

- Learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice 

- Assessment of children’s work 

- Achievement in line with age-related expectations 

- Moderation within and across year groups and across the Trust/against standardised materials where available

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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